Workplace Ladder Safety Guide

Ladder accidents hurt, both literally and figuratively. They account for a large chunk of injuries from falls at work. But many ladder mishaps can be prevented with proper precautions. This workplace ladder safety guide will walk you through ladder safety dos and don’ts to keep you off the ground and on your feet. Take a…

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Why Forklift Driving Training is Crucial for Workplace Safety

We often see forklifts constantly zipping around warehouses, construction sites, and other workplaces. They efficiently move heavy materials and lift objects high in the air. But have you ever stopped to think about how dangerous operating a forklift can be? It’s a fact that forklift driving training and certification is critical to the safety of…

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Top Fire Safety Practices for Warehouses in New Mexico

Warehouses in New Mexico store tons of important stuff. Lots of it could catch fire real quick. They often have stacks of flammable junk. One little spark can cause a crazy huge fire. The whole place could burn down fast. Fires spread super quick through all that stuff. It could take out the entire building.…

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Defensive Driving Training for Employees Makes Good Sense for Companies

Have you thought about getting some driving training for your people? Lots of companies have company cars. But if your folks aren’t being safe behind the wheel, it can get real expensive, real fast. Now most accidents – we’re talking around 90% here – happen because of driver mistakes. Defensive driving classes give your team…

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2024 Active Shooter Action Plan – Run, Hide, Fight

Finding yourself in an active shooter situation is every person’s worst nightmare. But mentally preparing ahead of time might just save your life. This guide shares crucial strategies I’ve learned for maximizing your chances of making it through alive. Run The Minute An Active Shooter Is In The Area! If an active shooter enters the…

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What And When Are Companies Required to Report or Record Injuries or Illnesses to OSHA 

Generally speaking, companies are required to report or record workplace-related illnesses and injuries. However, the reporting requirements may vary from case to case. For instance, if someone gets hospitalized within 24 hours of a work-related incident, it must be reported to OSHA within the same timeframe. Similarly, any hospitalization resulting from COVID-19 classes must be…

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Top Career And Job Benefits Of OSHA Training Certifications 

OSHA (Occupational Safety and Health Administration), a regulatory agency of the United States Department of Labor (DOL), responsible for setting and enforcing standards for healthy and safe working conditions, provides certificates to trainers and employees. In addition to fulfilling a job’s requirements, OSHA certification awards some additional perks to cardholders. Having OSHA certification can assist…

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Top Six OSHA Certification Advantages You Need to Know

Ever stepped into a high-risk workplace and felt a sense of insecurity? You’re not alone mate.  As per a survey by the U.S. Bureau of Labour Statistics, in 2022 alone, there were a total of 5,486 fatal injuries and more than  2.8 million injury and illness cases in the workplace. So, Safety education and training…

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The Nuts and Bolts of Confined Space Training Requirements

The training for working in tight/confined spaces requires some special standards and protocols in order to ensure worker’s safety in the construction industry. Working in restricted places / confined spaces is a dangerous yet unavoidable factor of a construction industry job. A confined space can be of any shape or size. As per OSHA, any…

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