OSHA Record Keeping Training

The OSHA Record Keeping Training course offered by Safety Counselling will cover the standards for keeping all necessary documentation related to workplace injuries and incidents. Our course will cover the new upcoming changes in record keeping regulations as well as any of the previous requirements that remain relevant.
Who needs this certification?
- Supervisors and Foreman
- Management
- Office Personnel
- Safety Representatives
- Anyone tasked with handling paperwork related to injuries or incidents on the job
What will be covered?
- 29 CFR 1904 – The Requirements
- Forms
- OSHA forms 300, 300A, 301 and NM E-1
- Form Mechanics
- Work Relatedness
- Recording Illnesses and Injuries
- Reporting Catastrophes
- Recording Criteria
- Fatalities
- Inpatient Hospitalization
- Amputations
- Calculating Injury and Illness Incident Rates
- First Aid vs Medical Treatment
Call to Register 505-881-1112
Keeping track of all work site incidents and injuries is not just good practice, but a mandatory requirement by OSHA. Taking our OSHA Record Keeping Training will help you be sure you’ve got all the tools and knowledge necessary to keep everything in order.