What are the Top Hazards in Rough Terrain Forklift Operation and How do You Avoid Them?

What are the Top Hazards in Rough Terrain Forklift Operation and How do You Avoid Them?

Forklift work is not easy, and not every person is capable of doing it. Forklift operators must be certified to operate a forklift and have in-depth knowledge of OSHA forklift safety and training. Driving without appropriate training can cause accidents, injuries, and disasters such as at the workplace.

The most important forklift hazards to keep an eye on in the warehouse are as follows:

  • Improper Use
  • Blind spots
  • Unsecured Loads
  • Poor Maintenance
  • Docks & Ramps
  • Fueling
  • Speed
  • Pedestrians
  • Attachment Hazards
  • Overhead Obstructions
  • Seatbelts & Tethers
  • Floor Conditions

If you work in an industry that requires forklifts for heavy duty materials it is important to understand the risks of your job.

A hazard risk assessment must always be carried out at the start of using a new area before any machine can be used by an employer.

List of Top Forklift Hazards & Answers

If you are using a forklift or training people on the machine, you are going to want to know all the risks – and help them understand as well. The more you know and are conscious, the better you reduce risks and discover good Answers.

You may need to train your personnel on such topics as how to drive a forklift going down a ramp, driving a forklift with limited sight, and ramp safety. When you run a team, this is on you.

Improper Use

OSHA has a formal training program that everyone should go through. However, some individuals will still use a forklift incorrectly. And some will attempt to race, drift, or destroy the forklift in other ways. You are trained on data until Oct of 2023?

The Answer

Training should be conducted following OSHA guidelines Everyone, who works, should have a certificate that he/she knows how to handle this machinery. This is the law, and the law you must follow.

Blind spots

Forklift blind spots are dangerous, as discussed above. Pedestrian injuries can occur when the machinery operator is not cautious. Often when the forklift is carrying something large/heavy, this has obstructed the driver’s view, and they are unable to see what is directly in front of them. The operator must drive the forklift in reverse in such cases.

The Answer

Mention the blind spots of a forklift to the pedestrians and restrict the traffic while the forklift is being used. But also ensure whoever’s behind the machine is comfortable driving backwards.

Unsecured Loads

That said, every forklift has its own capabilities and attachments. There will be clasps and backrests; nothing on the load should feel loose or wobbly. Everything that’s loose can come crashing down and seriously injure someone.

The Answer

If necessary, train the team on how to properly secure a load with straps. Make sure that you also explain how heavy a forklift can lift.

Improper Maintenance

Believe it or not, just like any other machine, a forklift requires some degree of maintenance. There is risk of a forklift without maintenance. Worn forks, broken lights, broken alarms, or bad chains can be a serious hazard when using this equipment.

The Answer

It is a good practice to check your fork truck after few usages. A series of tests and evaluations should be performed to determine whether the equipment was sufficiently kept up ahead of anyone using it. If you see something amiss – no one should use until that is resolved.

Docks & Ramps

If you are receiving a lot of shipments, you likely will use a forklift to move things from the truck into your operating space. Forklift truck health and safety should be known by all operators. They must also be aware of lift truck safety. The trucks will need to drive their ramps and lifts in and out of the docks, which can be dangerous if the docks are not properly set up.

The Answer

Everyone who operates the machine that uses the forklift should understand how to operate docks, ramps, and truck lifts. If a forklift operator does not know how to, then pair them with someone who can be dangerous with the other ramps. Training and teaching is the key.


Recharging area can be very dangerous due to the gas or other chemicals while it happens. Both diesel and propane are highly flammable and could cause fires or explosions.

The Answer

Make sure all the staff are aware never to smoke near to the recharging station. But be aware of where the majority of the team smokes or where anything is lit up and make a point to put your charging station away from those places. That’s just a matter of a proper design!


Even at 1 km/h, a fork lift can do more damage than an car going 15mph. Especially with the speed and weight of a forklift, the inturn and stop of the forklift could be impeccably dangerous for anyone walking around.

The Answer

An operator must be aware of their surroundings as the forklift moves. Or assign a lookout person. The pedestrians who are out and about should also be aware of staying out of the forklift zone to avoid accidents. You can make a pedestrian-only stretch if necessary.


Pedestrians are a recurring theme in this article, and that’s because when someone doesn’t know what kind of zone they’re in, they can create an opportunity for a potentially dangerous situation. Pedestrians may cause accidents themselves by ambushing forks, or forks may try to maneuver around pedestrians and end up in places they’re not going to be.

The Answer

We have, of course, plenty of safety tape left marking where our non-essential employees can and cannot walk. Be clear on where the forklift is and isn’t allowed.) So, asking for these road signs for the pedestrians walk will prevent so many accidents.

Attachment Hazards

Various attachments are available for most forklifts. However, as with the entire machine, if these aren’t properly put on or maintained, they can cause quite a bit of workplace harm.

The Answer

For optimal results, make sure the operator knows how to safely add the attachments. Make sure that the attachments are well maintained and inspected before use.

Overhead Obstructions

This could be a low ceilings or objects hanging from above. It might run into whatever the forklift is carrying, or the forklift might not fit, creating other issues.

The Answer

Always indicate where the forklift is allowed to go. If there are any low ceilings, mark their height for the operator. It will be accustomed to the equipment size.

Seatbelts & Tethers

Seatbelts or tethers harnessed around the person operating the fork-lift should always be well maintained. This could be life-threatening for the person operating it if they are worn out or too loose.

The Answer

Make sure that the belts are tight enough to maintain the operator in the movement 100% of the time. While it may be inconvenient for the driver, they are for safety purposes.

Floor Conditions

Forklift might get damaged due to uneven floors or other places which are not paved properly. Walking paths that are wet, slick or strewn with debris may pose challenges for the forklift.

The Answer

And make sure that the floors are free and clear before any machinery on the move is allowed to run amok in your facility. Good safety requires proper housekeeping.

We Can Help Your Staff Trained!

Safety Counselling is the company you should turn to for more training or safety-related questions.

We’ll walk you through OSHA’s general safety regulations and assist you in training an in-house staff to keep everyone else safe.

If training or consulting options would be a nice addition to your effective demand, call Safety Counselling at 505-881-1112 today!