The Basics of Active Shooter Training

The Basics of Active Shooter Training by Safety Counselling

It is a fact, unfortunately, that there has been a rising incidence of shootings at public venues, workplaces, and schools. It has been said that an ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure. However, it is virtually impossible to prevent an active shooting incident. You can mitigate that risk by educating yourself on what to do if one occurs. Register for active shooter training course so that you are ready to protect yourself and be safe.

If you ever face an active shooter:


Drop whatever you’re doing and get as far away from a shooter as possible. If you can make it to a safe place, call 911. Describe the location, the shooter, and the weapons used.


If you cannot run to a safer place, find a place to hide. Get out of the shooter’s view and be quiet. Lock doors, turn off lights, text messages for help, signal non-verbally through a window or doorway. Spread out instead of grouping yourselves. It is harder for a shooter to find people if they are spread out and can remain quieter and harder to see.


If you come face to face with an active shooter, do not just stand there. Act with conviction to save yourself and others.

What will be covered in this course:

  • Defining and providing examples of an active shooter and types of active shooting
  • Steps to take if faced with an active shooter.
  • How to communicate with law enforcement, dispatchers, emergency medical staff.
  • How to deescalate a dangerous situation.
  • Emergency Action Plans (EAP)
  • Critical Incident Stress Debriefing (CISD)
  • Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD)


Call 505-881-1112

Protect yourself, your friends, family, co-workers, and good people around you. Know what to do if you ever face an active shooter. This knowledge can save your life one day and can give you confidence that you are well prepared in the event of an emergency.